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Requests and Responses

Below is the usage of the current API implementation:

/timbr/api/get_ontologies/GETPosts a query and returns results in JSON form
/timbr/api/query/POST{ ontology_name: <ontology_name>, query: <SQL query to run> }Posts a query and returns results in JSON form
/timbr/api/get_ontology/<ontology_name> POSTGets the ontology details for a certain ontology
/timbr/api/q/<ontology_name>/concept/<concept_name>?<filters>GETQuery a concept in a knowledge graph. A user can optionally specify <filters> for the properties of the concept
/timbr/api/q/<ontology_name>/view/<view_name>?<filters>GETQuery a view in a knowledge graph. A user can optionally specify <filters> for the properties of the view
/timbr/api/get_config/<config_name>POSTGets the value of a whitelisted environment variable as specified in the ALLOWED_CONFIG_ENVS_IN_API environment variable
/timbr/api/clear_cache/<ontology_name>POSTClears the Redis cache for an ontology

Examples for calling the REST API endpoints

The following was tested using curl with MINGW64 on Windows 11

Get ontologies endpoint


curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'x-api-key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'


  • Response code: 200
  • Response body:
"data": ["timbr_supply_chain", "timbr_user_segmentation", ...],
"status": "success"

Query endpoint


curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'x-api-key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"query": "select * from timbr.person limit 5",
"ontology_name": "timbr_supply_chain"


  • Response code: 200
  • Response body:
"data": [{
"entity_id": "p:2",
"entity_type": "person",
"status": "success"

Get ontology endpoint

Assuming the <ontology_name> is timbr_supply_chain


curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'x-api-key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'


  • Response code: 200
  • Response body:
"data": {
"datasources": [{ ... }, ...],
"ontology": [ { ... }, ...],
"properties": { ... },
"quote": "`",
"version": "52b2f455-bd0f-f34a-a9cc-9c799b8b9e6d",
"views": { ... },
"status": "success"

Query concept endpoint


  • ontology_name is `timbr_supply_chain
  • concept_name is `customer
  • filters Optional. Filters are a list of parameters for the properties or a relationship of a concept that translate into a WHERE statement in SQL. Omitting the filters will perform a SELECT * on the timbr schema of a concept.
  • nested Optional. false by default. If true if the data in the results should be formatted in a nested value for relationships
Nested in header

If the nested key is true then the results will be formatted only if there is a relationship or a multi-value in the filters of the GET URI endpoint

The filter paramteres can be 1..n of the following combinations:

  1. _subj_ - The subject of the filter – A property in the knowledge graph
  2. _op_ - The operator – The operator performed in the filter, must be one of
    1. eq - Equals, in SQL: =
    2. not_eq - - Not equals, in SQL != or <>
    3. in - Includes, in SQL: IN(..)
    4. not_in - Not includes, in SQL: NOT IN(..)
    5. like - Contains, in SQL: LIKE (can be used with wildcards combinations like % and [] )
    6. like - Not contains, in SQL: NOT LIKE (can be used with wildcards combinations like % and [] )
    7. gt - Greater than, in SQL >
    8. gte- Greater than or equal, in SQL >=
    9. lt - Less than, in SQL <
    10. lte - Less than or equal, in SQL <=
    11. is_null - Null value, in SQL IS NULL
    12. not_null - Is not null value, in SQL IS NOT NULL
  3. _comp_ - The comparator – The comparison value(s)
  4. _conj_ - The conjunction – For compound filters, must be either AND or OR

The order of the parameters also matter, but they can be sorted by the numbering ( _subj_, _subj1_, _subj2_ , ... )

For example: /timbr/api/q/timbr_supply_chain/concept/person?_subj_=property1&_op_=eq&_comp_=val1&_conj_=AND&_subj1_=property2&_op1_=like&_comp1_=val2&_conj1_=OR_subj2_=property3&_op2_=IN&_comp2_=val2,val3,val4&_subj3_=....


Querying the customer concept in the timbr_supply_chain knowledge graph. Applying the following filters:

  • customer_name property should start with the string Elizabeth POR
  • customer_id equals to 5503
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'x-api-key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'


  • Response code: 200
  • Response body:
"data": [{
"customer_email": "XXXXXXXXX",
"customer_id": "5503",
"customer_name": "Tiffany Smith",
"customer_password": "XXXXXXXXX",
"customer_segment": "Consumer",
"entity_id": "5503",
"entity_label": "Tiffany Smith",
"entity_type": "customer"
}, {
"customer_email": "XXXXXXXXX",
"customer_id": "639",
"customer_name": "Elizabeth Pittman",
"customer_password": "XXXXXXXXX",
"customer_segment": "Home Office",
"entity_id": "639",
"entity_label": "Elizabeth Pittman",
"entity_type": "customer"
}, {
"customer_email": "XXXXXXXXX",
"customer_id": "801",
"customer_name": "Elizabeth Parker",
"customer_password": "XXXXXXXXX",
"customer_segment": "Consumer",
"entity_id": "801",
"entity_label": "Elizabeth Parker",
"entity_type": "customer"
}, {
"customer_email": "XXXXXXXXX",
"customer_id": "10058",
"customer_name": "Elizabeth Proctor",
"customer_password": "XXXXXXXXX",
"customer_segment": "Corporate",
"entity_id": "10058",
"entity_label": "Elizabeth Proctor",
"entity_type": "customer"
"executed_query": "SELECT * FROM `dtimbr`.`customer` WHERE `customer_name` LIKE 'Elizabeth P%' OR `customer_id` = '5503'",
"status": "success"

Query ontology view endpoint


  • ontology_name is `timbr_supply_chain
  • view_name is `customer_view
  • filters Optional. Filters are a list of parameters for the properties or a relationship of a view that translate into a WHERE statement in SQL. Omitting the filters will perform a SELECT * on the vtimbr schema.
  • nested Optional. false by default. If true if the data in the results should be formatted in a nested value for relationships
Nested in header

If the nested key is true then the results will be formatted only if there is an entity_id column in the ontology view SQL query

The filter paramteres can be 1..n of the following combinations:

  1. _subj_ - The subject of the filter – A property in the knowledge graph
  2. _op_ - The operator – The operator performed in the filter, must be one of
    1. eq - Equals, in SQL: =
    2. not_eq - - Not equals, in SQL != or <>
    3. in - Includes, in SQL: IN(..)
    4. not_in - Not includes, in SQL: NOT IN(..)
    5. like - Contains, in SQL: LIKE (can be used with wildcards combinations like % and [] )
    6. like - Not contains, in SQL: NOT LIKE (can be used with wildcards combinations like % and [] )
    7. gt - Greater than, in SQL >
    8. gte- Greater than or equal, in SQL >=
    9. lt - Less than, in SQL <
    10. lte - Less than or equal, in SQL <=
    11. is_null - Null value, in SQL IS NULL
    12. not_null - Is not null value, in SQL IS NOT NULL
  3. _comp_ - The comparator – The comparison value(s)
  4. _conj_ - The conjunction – For compound filters, must be either AND or OR

The order of the parameters also matter, but they can be sorted by the numbering ( _subj_, _subj1_, _subj2_ , ... )

For example: /timbr/api/q/timbr_supply_chain/view/person?_subj_=property1&_op_=eq&_comp_=val1&_conj_=AND&_subj1_=property2&_op1_=like&_comp1_=val2&_conj1_=OR_subj2_=property3&_op2_=IN&_comp2_=val2,val3,val4&_subj3_=....


Querying the customer_view view in the timbr_supply_chain knowledge graph without any filters

curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'x-api-key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'


  • Response code: 200
  • Response body:
"data": [{...}],
"executed_query": "SELECT * FROM `vtimbr`.`customer_view`",
"status": "success"

Get config endpoint


curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'x-api-key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'


  • Response code: 200
  • Response body:
"data": {
"TIMBR_DB_DOMAIN": "jdbc:hive2://"
"status": "success"

Clear cache endpoint


Must have a Redis backend set and configured for this endpoint to properly work


curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'x-api-key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'


  • Response code: 200
  • Response body:
"status": "success"