Connecting Microsoft Excel to the Timbr Knowledge Graph
- Install Microsoft Spark ODBC driver (64-bit):
In the main window under Connect go to the To a Server list and click on More... - Open the 64-bit ODBC Administrator pane
(C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\StartMenu\Programs\Administrative Tools)
A. Navigate to the System DSN tab and click Add.
B. Select the Microsoft Spark ODBC driver and click Finish.
C. In the setup window that appears fill in the details:
Datasource Name: timbr
Port: 11000
Database: leave empty
Mechanism: User Name and Password
Username: token@\<knowledge graph name>
Password: \<token>
Thrift Transport: HTTP
SSL Options: Click and mark Enable if SSL is enabled, or unmark if SSL is not enabled in the environment. Once marked or unmarked click OK.
Next, on the bottom of the setup window click on Test to test the connection. You should get a \"SUCCESS\" message and the DB will be added.
Click on OK to finish the setup.
** In case you receive an error message please repeat the steps and address the error according to the message.
D. Select the newly added data source and click OK.
- Open Excel:
A. Go to the Data tab and click on Get Data, select From Other Sources and choose From ODBC.
B. Select the \"timbr\" datasource.
C. Here you have two options:
- Click on Advanced options to write a query and get the data according to your query.
- Click on OK to load data from a specific concept.
D. Enter credentials again and click Connect:
Username = token@\<knowledge graph name>
Password = \<your_personal_token>
E. In the navigator window that appears choose the schema and concept you would like to load from the list and click Load.
Congrats! Excel will now load the data or queries you chose and show the results as a table.